Thursday, February 25, 2010

Penny rant

I read something today that really ticked me off.  I read about the "redesigned US Penny".  WHAT?!?!  Why in the heck does the penny need to be redesigned?!  Why were thousands of my tax payer dollar used to retool the manufacturing of the penny - which by some estimates costs 1.62 cents to make already.  Yes, that means it costs more to make the penny than the penny is actually worth.


I say eliminate the penny altogether - then maybe someday they will be worth something as collectibles. 

What do the rest of you think about this?

1 comment:

  1. If we all had pennies for every dollar the idiots (who claim to represent us)waste, we would all be rich. If I had a trillion pennies...just saying. We got into a long political discussion over dinner the other night. Around and around in circles. Every party has its merits and every politician probably started out with a glimmer of morality in their bones. But, our system and the voting process and the lobbyists and the payola and the corruption...well, lets just say they don't have a chance to be decent by the time they get to office. We are doomed and we all know it. Our government is crumbling from within and it is only a matter of time before the great USA-as we know it-will no longer exist. Get your Rosetta Stone Program, people. You will need to speak another language soon and it would be good to get a head start. I suggest Chinese. The only government that will rule with integrity and righteousness will be when Jesus returns and takes the throne as King of All. If you doubt that will happen, get our your dusty old bible and begin reading the book of Revelations. You will see a description of events unfolding before your very eyes. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Do you know Jesus? It would be a good idea to get to know him as your Intercessor and Lord before he comes as your Judge. How's that for a rant of my own?
