Monday, February 15, 2010

TV to exand or cut off....that is the question

In 2008 when I lost my job we cut our cable back to the very basic (roughly 20 channels) to save money.  It was a tad rough at first - as certain shows/channels were missed (ESPN for me, Food Channel for Nick and HGTV for Sharon), but as time went on we survived and even found time to do other things (like read books, play on the computer, go for walks, etc.).  Now that I've joined the fully employed again the thought has crossed my mind - should we expand out cable channels?  As I've been contemplating it I've taken more notice to what the family has been watching.  Sharon has been watching The Bachelor, Biggest Loser and Home Makeover.  Nick has been watching some cage fighting show, The Family Guy (until I holler at him to change the channel) and other misc. drivel.  I then thought about my viewing habits.  Other than NFL football I'm hard pressed to think of a show that I've watched in it's entirety recently.  The Mentalist, Criminal Minds and CSI are the only ones in recent weeks.  So, that makes me wonder, why expand - I should shut it off completely!  Thank goodness no one in my family watches American Idol - that would clinch cutting the cable!!

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