Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

I chose to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs because it was a "new release" and had to be returned before the other ones.

It was a cute, entertaining movie.  A good one to watch with your children if you have any.  I really enjoy animated movies, so even though I'm no longer a kid physically, I enjoy being a kid mentally.  This movie doesn't rate nearly as well as Bolt or Ratatouille, but it is better than many. 

Tonight I think I will watch Harry Potter, for the main reason that Sharon isn't home and I don't think she really wants to see it.

While we are on the subjects of movies - I need to pick a movie for the clients to watch on Friday afternoon.  I can pick pretty much any movie, but the trend is to pick something treatment related or of someone overcoming something.  Hmmmm, The Soloist isn't due back until Saturday....that might be an idea.  Otherwise I was trying to think of older movies - ones that are good, yet haven't been seen for awhile.  I set aside the following:

A Fish Called Wanda
The Professional
The Great Escape
Grosse Pointe Blank
Secondhand Lions

What do you think of these?


  1. Crazy People- 1990

    Dudly Moore Daryl Hannah

    Great movie!

  2. I ended up showing Bedtime Stories. Which was so-so, but I liked the line towards the end....It's your story, not mine. It's up to you to make your happy ending.
