Sunday, January 3, 2010

Family laughter

Last night was a great night.  My three boys (Zach, Alex and Nick) were home along with Zach's wife, Jess, and Alex's girlfriend, Melonie - together with my wife, Sharon, and I we played games and on a few occassions laughed until several of us were crying.  It doesn't get any better than that!

There was one time that all of us were laughing so hard, some were crying, some were having trouble breathing.  It lasted several minutes and when it ended we all asked eachother - what were we laughing about?  Nobody knew.  It started with one person giggling and making a silly noise that got another person gigglig and then another and another.  It was great fun.  Family laughter like that heals the body and soul in my opinion.

Another laughter outbreak was more between my wife and I.  We were playing a game called "What If".  It is a simple game.  All you need is a pen/pencil for everyone and a bunch of small pieces of paper.  Each person writes a "what if" question - anything at all (ex. What if all toothpaste tasted like fish? What if Sadie (our dog) started talking with a British accent?  What if Sharon was alergic to chocolate?  What if the Easter Bunny jumped through the window and started throwing eggs filled with flaming lava?)  Then all of the questions are placed facedown in the center of the table and each player picks a question to answer (can't answer your own).  The trick of the deal is once each person writes their answer on the back of the question paper you take turns, going clockwise, one player will read the question they picked up and the next person will read the answer they wrote to their question.  Sometimes it doesn't make sense or fit the question, but most of the time it does or is just simply hilarious.  All that being said.  What got Sharon and I laughing so hard was I wrote the question, "What if Terry knitted Sharon a sweater with his back hair?"  Sharon happened to pick up that question and shot me one of those "looks" and we just busted out laughing.  What made it even better and created another laughing outburst was Sharon's answer, "I would love it and hug it and squeeze it and call it George" (a classic line from a Bugs Bunny cartoon that I say often).

Bottom line - be silly, have fun.....LAUGH!


  1. OMGosh, Terry?! Are we that old already - you're son's wife...?

    'What is Sharon was allergic to chocolate' Now that would be a crying shame.

    Keep it up Terry. I had to laugh, snicker, etc... to much of what you put into words. It's too bad people aren't more like us. I thought I was crazy the way people at work looked at me for my antics. If only they'd live every day like it's their last and make every moment a special one.

    Awww, you're passages are so relaxing, just amazing.........!


  2. Hey that sounded like a really fun time you folks had!! Did any neighbors complain about the noise?? Wish I'd been there!
